Saturday, August 27, 2016

Make More Introduction To Graphic Design By Doing Less

Make More Introduction To Graphic Design By Doing Less

I do Graphic Design a little and am doing it for fun. Its not part of my job but sometime
am using it to make things right to the way it should be. And Adobe photo shop is my best
of the best friend in this kind of designing as am based on text effect, image manipulation
and  logo creation.
Wikipedia define Graphic Design as  "the methodology of visual communication,
 and problem-solving through the use of type, space and image". Dont confuse between artists
and a Graphic Designer as seems to be the brother and sisters but its  has a
big gap of difference.

Artists create to inspire, to emote, to share something that’s uniquely
 theirs with the world and the best art lets each viewer find their own interpretation.
 Designers, on the other hand, create to communicate we’re visual-thinking problem solvers,
 and if people are interpreting our message in their own unique ways, well,
 then we’re just not very good at our job.In short a Designer play part to introduce something
as it is to himself to other people.He wont let viewer interpret the massage them self, he 
interpret it for them. 

The graphic design process is a problem solving process, one that requires

  •  substantial creativity
  •  innovation  
  •  technical expertise.

Honestly, I wouldnt encourage someone to go into graphic design unless they know they
 absolutely want to work in that field and they are committed to it.
Am doing Graphic Design for fun!!!

So in this case we shall see some important Designing skills to have in order to produce a quality Products.
Things to have

  1. Adobe Photoshop _(as I will be using Photoshop CS 6)
  2. A time about 15 min for every Tactic to learn

For anything to ask or what to know about blogging, creating, templates, themes, Technology, Website Designing just contact me via my email

Available link for download