Sunday, August 21, 2016

Terminal auto copy to clipboard for Lubuntu

Terminal auto copy to clipboard for Lubuntu

Update: the parcellite solution described below is a little too aggressive (mangles keepassx auto-type and displays passwords in log) so I recommend NOT using that method and instead use a simpler solution -- highlight text in lxterminal and then use the middle mouse button to paste the highlighted text.


Original post (kept for documentation purposes):

One of the things I love most about PuTTY is that it automatically copies whatever is selected in the terminal window to the clipboard.  You wouldnt think this is all that big of a deal but trust me, its a huge time saver and you quickly lose patience without it.

Unfortunately, the terminal in Lubuntu (and nearly every other Linux distro) does not come with this feature.  After this annoyed me one too many times, I finally did a Google search and discovered to my joy that there is a fix:
sudo apt-get install parcellite
Start > Accessories > Parcellite
Right click the icon in the system tray, select Preferences, check "use primary" and "synchronize clipboards", and then click OK.
It works!

P.S. To auto-start it on login, open a terminal and type:  echo @parcellite >> ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart

Available link for download