Saturday, September 24, 2016
How to prepare Vitual Machine Virtual Box For multiple OS installation
How to prepare Vitual Machine Virtual Box For multiple OS installation
Hello Geeks,
Thanks for your time and encouragement you have shown to this IT Guru Tz Blog. Today am going to explain on how to prepare Virtual Machine for Multiple OS installation on the single Computer as it was asked by my blog followers through my email :
A virtual machine: Is an operating system OS or application environment that is installed on software which imitates dedicated hardware. The end user has the same experience on a virtual machine as they would have on dedicated hardware. Virtual Machine help to install two or more operating system in a single machine without affecting the host Os. This has many advantages to Hackers and Students who are learning about Operating system.
Advantage of Virtual Machine
In out Totualis we will use Virtual Box as our Primary Virtual Machine even if there are more than one application similar to Virtual Box
1. Download Virtual Box from a given link HERE
2. Open your Virtual Box application setup and follow all Installation steps
Thanks for your time and encouragement you have shown to this IT Guru Tz Blog. Today am going to explain on how to prepare Virtual Machine for Multiple OS installation on the single Computer as it was asked by my blog followers through my email :
For you who still not familiar with virtual machine, heres the definition from wikipedia: - See more at:
For whose who are still not familiar with Virtual machine.Advantage of Virtual Machine
- Saves costs by reducing the need for physical hardware systems.
- More efficiently use hardware, which lowers the quantities of hardware and associated maintenance costs.
- Reduces power and cooling demand.
- Ease management because virtual hardware does not fail.
- Easy to simplify backups, disaster recovery, new deployments and basic system administration tasks.
Step by Step How to Create Kali Linux Virtual Machine: - See more at:
Step by Step How to Create Virtual Machine on Windows OS:1. Download Virtual Box from a given link HERE
2. Open your Virtual Box application setup and follow all Installation steps
3. After the Installation Go to your application Program and open Virtual Box for the first use. |
Next Post we are going to discuss on how to Install Kali Linux in Virtual Box along side Windows 8. Ask any Question about C Programming Language and we shall help you! If you have any question or program you need to be written for your just send me question through my email: |
For you who still not familiar with virtual machine, heres the definition from wikipedia: - See more at:
Available link for download